Monday, January 5, 2009

what a nice Christmas!!..bwahahaha..

December is a month where we celebrate the Christmas.The month we celebrate the birth of
our savior Jesus Christ.Christmas is all we've waiting for.The ay of giving & Loving.For me,it was the happiest ay in every year,because that day we will be together with my ultimate friends,they are Jeffrey Petallo,Jepthe Gerarman,Gziel Lora,Astrid Jeanette Bersabal and Carissa Jane Obial.

We shared anykind of happinengs like singing making "Corny Jokes"..jajajaja..and also we drink like alcoholic drinks.jejeje...but not too much and also we shared stories about our lives about school and universities we are studying while eating our favorite foods and we watch a beautiful fireworks display .In my family also we exchage gift to each other and we cooked some foods for us to eat in noche buena.I can say that this was a very wonderful christmas I've experience because I spent with my BarKada's and Family